This book, like most books, is the result of a great deal of lonely ef- fort on my part along with a great deal of inspiration and support from many others. I will not endeavor to list all of those who have supported and inspired me over the years.…
When you are first starting out in the creative
industry, one of the things that you need to learn,
quickly, is how to approach a brief, work with a
client and deliver the work that is to the right
standard, but meeting all of the…
Thank you to the countless individuals I had the opportunity to work with
during my time at cbt Architects; I appreciate all the opportunities I had. A
special thanks to Architexts, for the continual reminder as to what a unique
environment an…
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is designed to record and analyze numbers
and data. Excel is very widely used for accounting and financial purposes.
Let me begin by saying that, in the spirit of embracing new adventures, in 2007 I moved with my family to Chicago. The chance to choose a new home at this stage of my life and career was a direct result of taking the Massive Change project to…
A structure is an assembly of interrelated components that serve a common purpose. Structure may present itself with a hierarchy of components as in the structure of a corporation or rely on the patterns and relationships between similar components…
No book is ever written on one’s own. There are many people I wish
to thank for helping me complete it.
First and foremost there is my dear departed friend Carol Kennedy,
who died of cancer in early 2007 and to whom this book is dedicated.