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Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook.pdf
The Yocto project ( is an embedded Linux distribution
builder that makes use of several other open source projects.
The Yocto project provides a reference build system for embedded Linux, called Poky, which
has the…

Praeger - Emotion and Conflict, How Human Rights Can Dignify.pdf
I fi rst met Dr. Evelin Lindner in December 2001 when she was the speaker
at a Colloquium of the Peace Education Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. I was attracted to the colloquium by the title of her talk,
“Humiliation and the…

Kluwer Pub - Colin Wilks - Emotion, Truth and Meaning, In De.pdf

Cambridge - Emotional Experience and Religious Understanding.pdf
In this book Mark Wynn argues that the landscape of philosophical
theology looks rather different from the perspective of a reconceived
theory of emotion. In matters of religion, we do not need to opt for
objective content over emotional form or…

PCP - Emotional Health and Well-Being, A Practical Guide for.pdf
Those who read this book, either as newcomers to the field or as experienced
practitioners within it, will do so at a time of change. As new initiatives permeate the educational landscape the context and impact of change has to be
measured in…

MC - Emotional Intelligence, The New Rules (2009).pdf
Working life ain’t simple any more. Th ere was a time
when you worked hard, your employer looked after you,
and you just carried on until you received your golden
carriage clock on retirement. But that simple career
path is dead. Th ere are…

Blackwell - Emotions, a Brief History (2004).pdf
‘‘In this short history, Keith Oatley captures the current excitement of the ongoing ‘Affect Revolution’ and its historical
antecedents. As psychologists seek to decipher the foundations
of the many emotional values of animate existence,…

Emerald - Emotions and Organizational Dynamism (2010).pdf
Emotions have widespread effects in organizations and underlie a broad range of dynamics in organizations. This volume explores the role that emotion plays in such diverse organizational phenomena as entrepreneurship, change, service failure, and…

Cambridge - Emotions in Finance, Distrust and Uncertainty in.pdf
Defenders of economic orthodoxy often argue that asset inflation results from emotional intrusions into a rational world. But emotions are unavoidable. Rational calculations can be based only on the past. Instability continually arises, especially…

Praeger - Emotion and Conflict, How Human Rights Can Dignify.pdf
Most books, however, treat only one aspect of emotions, such as
emotions and the brain, emotions and well-being, or emotions and
computer agents. This interdisciplinary book presents recent work
on emotions in neuroscience, cognitive science,…
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