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On March 31st, 2014, the United Nations report
entitled “Climate Change 2014, Impacts Adaptation
and Vulnerability” was published by the Working Group
II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC). The panel, meeting in Yokohama,…

Cambridge - Economic Espionage and Industrial Spying (2005).pdf
The idea for this book developed in October 1996 on the eve of the passage of the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) in discussions with a colleague
who specialized in intellectual property law and had been practicing for
some 15 years, litigating…

Globalisation is the remarkable result of innocuous choices. Companies
in one nation choose to employ workers in another, and consumers in a
third country choose to buy the stuff they make. To put it this way is not
to diminish the technological…

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The psychologist Joel Davitz once wrote: ªI suspect that
most research in the social sciences has roots somewhere
in the personal life of the researcher, though these roots are
rarely reported in published papersº (Davitz, 1976). The
®rst part…

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MIT - Economics and Psychology, A Promising New Cross-Discip.pdf
This book is part of the CESifo Seminar Series. The series aims to cover policy issues in economics from a largely European perspective. The books in this series are the products of the papers and intensive debates that took place during the seminars…



Electronic Principles, eighth edition, continues its tradition as a clearly explained,
in-depth introduction to electronic semiconductor devices and circuits. This textbook
is intended for students who are taking their fi

rst course in linear…

Elements of Architecture explores new ways of engaging architecture in archaeology. It conceives
of architecture both as the physical evidence of past societies and as existing beyond the physical
environment. The book engages with the meeting…

Parametrics is more about an attitude of mind than any particular software
It has its roots in mechanical design, as such, for architects it is
borrowed thought and technology. It is a way of thinking that some designers
may find…
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