The patterns of international trade and investment cited in Chapter 1 sometimes vary
considerably from year to year, but they also demonstrate general trends over time. Factors
that determine the volatility in the short run often differ from…
How does one interview oneself? How does one achieve distance, reverse one's perspective, see dispassionately that which surges up from within? If, as my wife Karen says with occasional dismay, I lack ego, does that make the task easier or harder?…
The World at the beginning of the 21st Century would be a place of unimaginable change to our forefathers. Since 1900 the human population has undergone a fourfold growth coupled with an unparalleled development in the technology at our disposal. …
This alphabetically organized ten-volume set opens up the entire
world of science in clear, nontechnical language. More than 600 entries—
an increase of more than 10 percent from the first edition—provide fascinating
facts covering the entire…
The Oxford American Dictionary (1980) contains the following definition:
Brand (noun): a trade mark, goods of a particular make: a
mark of identification made with a hot iron, the iron used for
this: a piece of burning or charred wood, (verb):…
The sixth edition of the highly successful The City Reader juxtaposes the very best classic and contemporary writings on the city to provide the comprehensive mapping of the terrain of Urban Studies and Planning old and new. The sixth edition is…
Like the dollar bills on which its business is based, Wall Street has two
faces. On one side, it is a place – a street in lower Manhattan. On the
other, the term is shorthand for an industry – the US wholesale financial-
services industry.…
T HE concept of cultural landscape has evolved over several generations. Yet that concept is still relatively new to the field of historic preservation, and while it has made a substantial contribution, it remains misunderstood or marginalized in…