This book explores some of the main findings of a piece of research funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (award 00 23 7661) that the authors, Rachel Johnson, Oliver Fulton, and Stephen Watson conducted at Lancaster University from…
It is estimated that between a third and a half of the world’s population—approximately three billion people on six continents— lives in buildings constructed of earth. The typologies of earthen architecture, however, extend beyond buildings…
I could not have produced this account, fourteen years in
the making, without significant help. Surely credit is due
to the early Usonians who typed and mimeographed—and saved—the thousands of single-spaced communications during the creation…
So begins Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens was writing about London and Paris in 1775. But Dickens could have been writing about the fi eld of enterprise architecture, the science of aligning business needs and IT solutions, as it…
Change was the story of the 20th century and will inevitably be the story of the 21st. In order to survive and prosper, organizations in the private and the public sectors will need to respond in a timely and flexible way to social, techno- logical,…
In working with educators every day who are down in the trenches making a difference in the lives of their students, I have come to realize something that is so, so exciting. We already have in place the talent and resources to transform our…
Parametrics is more about an attitude of mind than any particular software
It has its roots in mechanical design, as such, for architects it is
borrowed thought and technology. It is a way of thinking that some designers
may find…
The American
has excited the
and im^ination
arm-chair travelers
since it
first came to the
What the progenitors
American In-
thought of…
Most books, however, treat only one aspect of emotions, such as
emotions and the brain, emotions and well-being, or emotions and
computer agents. This interdisciplinary book presents recent work
on emotions in neuroscience, cognitive science,…