Graphic Design Solutions remains the most comprehensive how-to
reference on graphic design and advertising for print and interactive
media, intended to serve as a foundation for a graphic design and
advertising design education. Theory and…
Abduction is a form of reasoning, sometimes described
as “deduction in reverse,” whereby given a rule that
“A follows from B” and the observed result of “A” we
infer the condition “B” of the rule. More generally,
given a theory,…
From a sociointeractional perspective of discourse, this research aims at investigating
the written narrative of a student of English and Portuguese Teaching Practicum from
a Letters undergraduate Course at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de…
The paper critically interrogates and assesses the importance of reading and its indispensable
contributions to the educational development of the society. The paper also laments the fallen
standard of education in Nigeria and addresses the decay…
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of
Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research,
scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
In the case of urban design the main actors in the
play presented here are the square, the street and
the buildings that make up the public face of towns
and cities. The meaning and role these elements
play in urban design, the ways in which they…
The methods and processes in which professional websites are created have not changed
much since the first edition of this book. Designers still need to understand requirements,
realize the technical pros and cons of layouts, create comps, save…
This book was conceived several years ago when the editors, along with Drazen Prelec and Dick Thaler, spent a year as a working group at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences (CASES). When we weren’t playing volley ball or hiking, we…
Over the past decade the marketing environment has changed in a series of dramatic and far-
reaching ways. Among some of the most significant of these changes has been the emergence
of what within this book we refer to as ‘the new consumer’ and…
The construction industry’s relative costs have steadily risen over the last 50
years or so, while profit margins of its contractors and sub-contractors have
been eroded to the level that is no longer sufficient to justify significant…