Browse Items (835 total)

making the Poor Central in
Legal Development Co-operation

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Conflicting Responses to Human Rights
Violations in Darfur

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As authors, we wonder whether readers might be interested in knowing something of our backgrounds and the reason why we undertook to write this book. We decided to write the book after we ran workshops to train people from the helping professions who…

It is my pleasure to introduce Professor Marie Mercat-Bruns’s work to an American
audience in this translation. While the topic of antidiscrimination protections in
employment law is of course of very great intrinsic interest, it has a much…

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This book is made possible only through the generous support of numerous organizations and individuals. First among these is the National
Science Foundation, which funded my research with a grant (no.
1024469) co-awarded through its Science,…

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Producing Veracity in the
Victorian Courtroom

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This unique and ground-breaking book is the result of 15 years’ research and synthesises over 800 meta-analyses relating to the influences on achievement in school-aged students. It builds a story about the power of teachers and of feedback, and…

Legal pluralism in Polynesian traditional
management of resources and territories

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This book examines how predicaments generate architecture. Buildings fall prey to predicaments when architects, in attempting to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and to conceal all that must be done in order to do so, resort to the use of…

The legal definition of child pornography is, at best, unclear. In part
because of this ambiguity and in part because of the nature of the crime
itself, the prosecution and sentencing of perpetrators, the protection of and
restitution for…

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