Browse Items (147 total)

The pedantic strategy is one of the key elements of any cooperation’s success.
However, the implementation of the strategy is very important; as often strategy fails
during the implementation stage. The implementation of the strategy is a…

Management accounting deals with the provision of accounting and nonaccounting
information to internal users for the purpose of facilitating their decision
making. While technical in nature, management accounting still functions in a

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Whyand how is it that some individuals decide they want to create businesses
and then actually do so? Why and how is it that others do not,
even though they appear to have what it takes to succeed in business?
These two questions were among the…

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Running your own business can be a very rewarding and fulfilling
experience. On the other hand it can be difficult, time-consuming,
costly, and both physically and mentally draining. You also need to
remember the very real statistic that only one…

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Cambridge - Psychology and Economic Behavior (2008).pdf
The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour is a valuable reference resource dedicated to improving
our understanding of the economic mind and economic behaviour. Employing empirical methods – including laboratory experiments,…

The aim of this study is to develop and propose a strategic role enhancement for
the Internal Auditing function for South African companies, by incorporating the
Balanced Scorecard as a guide. The proposed strategy will be developed based

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HOW TO WRITE THE BUSINESS LETTER: _24 chapters on preparing to write the letter and finding the
proper viewpoint; how to open the letter, present the proposition convincingly, make an effective close; how
to acquire a forceful style and inject…

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Prentice Hall - Contrarian investing (1998).pdf
Contemplating a book about contrarian investing is like thinking about climbing Mt. Everest. You're excited by the challenge, but overwhelmed by the difficulty. Fortunately, many great investors and thinkers have climbed that mountain before and in…

The psychologist Joel Davitz once wrote: ªI suspect that
most research in the social sciences has roots somewhere
in the personal life of the researcher, though these roots are
rarely reported in published papersº (Davitz, 1976). The
®rst part…

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Evolusi Manajemen Strategi
Istilah strategi bisa dilacak pada era Yunani kuno dan menyiratkan
jenderal militer yang bertanggung jawab secara penuh dalam peperangan.
Penggunaan istilah strategi dalam dunia bisnis baru ada sejak awal abad…

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