Mastering Excel
Chart Apps
Dublin Core
Mastering Excel
Chart Apps
Chart Apps
Mastering Excel
Chart Apps
Chart Apps
Apps are everywhere. First they appeared on smartphones and now they are in Excel
2013. In essence, an app in Excel is an embedded web page in a spreadsheet. This web
page lives in Excel and responds to Excel data. There are two types of apps for Excel. The
content app and the task pane app. The task pane app is a pane in Excel that gives you
additional functionality (for example, a pane where you can translate words to another
language directly in Excel). The content app is an object inside Excel that displays Excel
2013. In essence, an app in Excel is an embedded web page in a spreadsheet. This web
page lives in Excel and responds to Excel data. There are two types of apps for Excel. The
content app and the task pane app. The task pane app is a pane in Excel that gives you
additional functionality (for example, a pane where you can translate words to another
language directly in Excel). The content app is an object inside Excel that displays Excel
Mark Moore
Mark Moore, “Mastering Excel
Chart Apps,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 15, 2025,