Introductory HTML, XHTML, and CSS
Sixth Edition

Dublin Core


Introductory HTML, XHTML, and CSS
Sixth Edition


Introductory HTML, XHTML, and CSS
Sixth Edition


The Shelly Cashman Series
offers the fi nest textbooks in computer education. We are
proud of the fact that our previous HTML books have been so well received. With each
new edition of our HTML books, we have made signifi cant improvements based on the
comments made by instructors and students. The HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition
books continue with the innovation, quality, and reliability you have come to expect from
the Shelly Cashman Series.
In 2006 and 2007, the Shelly Cashman Series development team carefully reviewed
our pedagogy and analyzed its effectiveness in teaching today’s student. An extensive
customer survey produced results confi rming what the series is best known for: its
step-by-step, screen-by-screen instructions, its project-oriented approach, and the quality
of its content.
We learned, though, that students entering computer courses today are different
than students taking these classes just a few years ago. Students today read less, but need
to retain more. They need not only to be able to perform skills, but to retain those skills
and know how to apply them to different settings. Today’s students need to be continually
engaged and challenged to retain what they’re learning.
As a result, we’ve renewed our commitment to focusing on the user and how they learn
best. This commitment is refl ected in every change we’ve made to our HTML book.


Gary B. Shelly
Denise M. Woods




Gary B. Shelly Denise M. Woods, “Introductory HTML, XHTML, and CSS Sixth Edition,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 14, 2025,