Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods
Dublin Core
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with
permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish
reliable data and information, but the authors and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials
or for the consequences of their use.
permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish
reliable data and information, but the authors and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials
or for the consequences of their use.
Neville Stanton, Alan Hedge, Karel Brookhuis, Eduardo Salas, Hal Hendrick
National Institute for Psychosocial
Factors and Health
Stockholm, Sweden
W.G. Allread
Ohio State University
Institute for Ergonomics
Columbus, OH
Dee H. Andrews
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Warfighter Training Research
Mesa, AZ
John Annett
University of Warwick
Department of Psychology
Coventry, U.K.
Amelia A. Armstrong
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Christopher Baber
University of Birmingham
Computing Engineering
Birmingham, U.K.
David P. Baker
American Institutes for Research
Washington, D.C.
Natale Battevi
Milan, Italy
J. Matthew Beaubien
American Institutes for Research
Washington, D.C.
Artem Belopolsky
University of Illinois
Department of Psychology
Champaign, IL
Jennifer Blume
National Space Biomedical
Research Institute
Houston, TX
Gunnar Borg
Stockholm University
Department of Psychology
Stockholm, Sweden
Wolfram Boucsein
University of Wuppertal
Physiological Psychology
Wuppertal, Germany
Clint A. Bowers
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Peter R. Boyce
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lighting Research Center
Troy, NY
Karel A. Brookhuis
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
Ogden Brown, Jr.
University of Denver
Denver, CO
Peter Buckle
University of Surrey
Robens Center for Health
Guildford, U.K.
C. Shawn Burke
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Pascale Carayon
University of Wisconsin
Center for Quality & Productivity
Madison, WI
Daniela Colombini
Milan, Italy
Nancy J. Cooke
Arizona State University East
Applied Psychology Program
Mesa, AZ
Lee Cooper
University of Birmingham
Computing Engineering
Birmingham, U.K.
Nigel Corlett
University of Nottingham
Institute for Occupational
Nottingham, U.K.
Dana M. Costar
American Institutes for Research
Washington, D.C.
Pamela Dalton
Monell Chemical Senses Center
Philadelphia, PA
Renée E. DeRouin
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Dick de Waard
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
David F. Dinges
University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
James E. Driskell
Florida Maxima Corporation
Winter Park, FL
Robin Dunkin-Chadwick
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
J.R. Easter
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
W.C. Elm
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Eileen B. Entin
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Elliot E. Entin
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Gary W. Evans
Cornell University
Department of Design &
Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Stephen M. Fiore
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
M.M. Fleischer
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Jennifer E. Fowlkes
Chi Systems, Inc.
Orlando, FL
Philippe Geslin
Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique (INRA)
Toulouse, France
Université de Neuchâtel Institut
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Matthias Göbel
Berlin University of Technology
Department of Human Factors
Engineering and Product
Berlin, Germany
Thad Godish
Ball State University
Department of Natural Resources
Muncie, IN
Gerald F. Goodwin
U.S. Army Research Institute
Alexandria, VA
Paul Grossman
Freiburg Institute for Mindfulness
Freiburg, Germany
J.W. Gualtieri
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Bianka B. Hahn
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Thomas R. Hales
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
George Havenith
Loughborough University
Department of Human Sciences
Loughborough, U.K.
Alan Hedge
Cornell University
Department of Design &
Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Hal W. Hendrick
Hendrick and Associates
Greenwood Village, CO
Sue Hignett
Loughborough University
Department of Human Sciences
Loughborough, U.K.
Vincent H. Hildebrandt
TNO Work & Employment
Hoofddorp, the Netherlands
Body@Work Research Center on
Physical Activity, Work and
Health TNO Vumc
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Hermann Hinrichs
University of Magdeburg
Clinic for Neurology
Magdeburg, Germany
Peter Hoonakker
University of Wisconsin
Center for Quality & Productivity
Madison, WI
Karen Jacobs
Boston University Programs
in Occupational Therapy
Boston, MA
Florian Jentsch
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
R.F. Soames Job
University of Sydney
School of Psychology
Sydney, Australia
Debra G. Jones
SA Technologies, Inc.
Marietta, GA
David B. Kaber
North Carolina State University
Department of Industrial
Raleigh, NC
Jussi Kantola
University of Louisville
Center for Industrial Ergonomics
Louisville, KY
Waldemar Karwowski
University of Louisville
Center for Industrial Ergonomics
Louisville, KY
Kristina Kemmlert
National Institute for Working Life
Solna, Sweden
Mark Kirby
University of Huddersfield
School of Computing and
Huddersfield, U.K.
Gary Klein
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Brian M. Kleiner
Virginia Polytechnical Institute
and State University
Grado Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering
Blacksburg, VA
David W. Klinger
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Arthur F. Kramer
University of Illinois
Department of Psychology
Champaign, IL
Guangyan Li
Human Engineering Limited
Bristol, U.K.
Jean MacMillan
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Ann Majchrzak
University of Southern California
Marshall School of Business
Los Angeles, CA
Melissa M. Mallis
NASA Ames Research Center
Fatigue Countermeasures Group
Moffett Field, CA
W.S. Marras
Ohio State University
Institute for Ergonomics
Columbus, OH
Philip Marsden
University of Huddersfield
School of Computing and
Huddersfield, U.K.
Laura Martin-Milham
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Lorraine E. Maxwell
Cornell University
Design & Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Lynn McAtamney
COPE Occupational Health and
Ergonomics Services Ltd.
Nottingham, U.K.
Olga Menoni
Milan, Italy
J. Mokray
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
J. Steven Moore
Texas A&M University
School of Rural Public Health
Bryan, TX
Lambertus (Ben) J.M.
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
Brian Mullen
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Mitsuo Nagamachi
Hiroshima International University
Hiroshima, Japan
Leah Newman
Pennsylvania State University
The Harold & Inge Marcus
Department of Industrial &
Manufacturing Engineering
University Park, PA
Enrico Occhipinti
Milan, Italy
Michael J. Paley
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Daniela Panciera
Milan, Italy
Brian Peacock
National Space Biomedical
Research Institute
Houston, TX
S.S. Potter
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Heather A. Priest
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Renate Rau
University of Technology
Occupational Health Psychology
Dresden, Germany
Mark S. Rea
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lighting Research Center
Troy, NY
Maria Grazia Ricci
Milan, Italy
Hannu Rintamäki
Oulu Regional Institute of
Occupational Health
Oulu, Finland
Michelle M. Robertson
Liberty Mutual Research Institute
for Safety
Hopkinton, MA
Suzanne H. Rodgers
Consultant in Ergonomics
Rochester, NY
D. Roitman
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
E.M. Roth
Roth Cognitive Engineering
Brookline, MA
Eduardo Salas
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Steven L. Sauter
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
Steven M. Shope
US Positioning Group, LLC
Mesa, AZ
Monique Smeets
Utrecht University
Department of Social Sciences
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Tonya L. Smith-Jackson
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Grado Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering
Blacksburg, VA
Kimberly A. Smith-Jentsch
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Stover H. Snook
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA
Neville A. Stanton
Brunel University
School of Engineering
London, U.K.
Jean MacMillan
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Ann Majchrzak
University of Southern California
Marshall School of Business
Los Angeles, CA
Melissa M. Mallis
NASA Ames Research Center
Fatigue Countermeasures Group
Moffett Field, CA
W.S. Marras
Ohio State University
Institute for Ergonomics
Columbus, OH
Philip Marsden
University of Huddersfield
School of Computing and
Huddersfield, U.K.
Laura Martin-Milham
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Lorraine E. Maxwell
Cornell University
Design & Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Lynn McAtamney
COPE Occupational Health and
Ergonomics Services Ltd.
Nottingham, U.K.
Olga Menoni
Milan, Italy
J. Mokray
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
J. Steven Moore
Texas A&M University
School of Rural Public Health
Bryan, TX
Lambertus (Ben) J.M.
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
Brian Mullen
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Mitsuo Nagamachi
Hiroshima International University
Hiroshima, Japan
Leah Newman
Pennsylvania State University
The Harold & Inge Marcus
Department of Industrial &
Manufacturing Engineering
University Park, PA
Enrico Occhipinti
Milan, Italy
Michael J. Paley
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Daniela Panciera
Milan, Italy
Brian Peacock
National Space Biomedical
Research Institute
Houston, TX
S.S. Potter
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Heather A. Priest
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Renate Rau
University of Technology
Occupational Health Psychology
Dresden, Germany
Mark S. Rea
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lighting Research Center
Troy, NY
Maria Grazia Ricci
Milan, Italy
Hannu Rintamäki
Oulu Regional Institute of
Occupational Health
Oulu, Finland
Michelle M. Robertson
Liberty Mutual Research Institute
for Safety
Hopkinton, MA
Suzanne H. Rodgers
Consultant in Ergonomics
Rochester, NY
D. Roitman
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
E.M. Roth
Roth Cognitive Engineering
Brookline, MA
Eduardo Salas
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Steven L. Sauter
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
Steven M. Shope
US Positioning Group, LLC
Mesa, AZ
Monique Smeets
Utrecht University
Department of Social Sciences
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Tonya L. Smith-Jackson
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Grado Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering
Blacksburg, VA
Kimberly A. Smith-Jentsch
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Stover H. Snook
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA
Neville A. Stanton
Brunel University
School of Engineering
London, U.K.
Factors and Health
Stockholm, Sweden
W.G. Allread
Ohio State University
Institute for Ergonomics
Columbus, OH
Dee H. Andrews
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Warfighter Training Research
Mesa, AZ
John Annett
University of Warwick
Department of Psychology
Coventry, U.K.
Amelia A. Armstrong
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Christopher Baber
University of Birmingham
Computing Engineering
Birmingham, U.K.
David P. Baker
American Institutes for Research
Washington, D.C.
Natale Battevi
Milan, Italy
J. Matthew Beaubien
American Institutes for Research
Washington, D.C.
Artem Belopolsky
University of Illinois
Department of Psychology
Champaign, IL
Jennifer Blume
National Space Biomedical
Research Institute
Houston, TX
Gunnar Borg
Stockholm University
Department of Psychology
Stockholm, Sweden
Wolfram Boucsein
University of Wuppertal
Physiological Psychology
Wuppertal, Germany
Clint A. Bowers
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Peter R. Boyce
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lighting Research Center
Troy, NY
Karel A. Brookhuis
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
Ogden Brown, Jr.
University of Denver
Denver, CO
Peter Buckle
University of Surrey
Robens Center for Health
Guildford, U.K.
C. Shawn Burke
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Pascale Carayon
University of Wisconsin
Center for Quality & Productivity
Madison, WI
Daniela Colombini
Milan, Italy
Nancy J. Cooke
Arizona State University East
Applied Psychology Program
Mesa, AZ
Lee Cooper
University of Birmingham
Computing Engineering
Birmingham, U.K.
Nigel Corlett
University of Nottingham
Institute for Occupational
Nottingham, U.K.
Dana M. Costar
American Institutes for Research
Washington, D.C.
Pamela Dalton
Monell Chemical Senses Center
Philadelphia, PA
Renée E. DeRouin
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Dick de Waard
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
David F. Dinges
University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
James E. Driskell
Florida Maxima Corporation
Winter Park, FL
Robin Dunkin-Chadwick
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
J.R. Easter
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
W.C. Elm
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Eileen B. Entin
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Elliot E. Entin
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Gary W. Evans
Cornell University
Department of Design &
Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Stephen M. Fiore
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
M.M. Fleischer
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Jennifer E. Fowlkes
Chi Systems, Inc.
Orlando, FL
Philippe Geslin
Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique (INRA)
Toulouse, France
Université de Neuchâtel Institut
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Matthias Göbel
Berlin University of Technology
Department of Human Factors
Engineering and Product
Berlin, Germany
Thad Godish
Ball State University
Department of Natural Resources
Muncie, IN
Gerald F. Goodwin
U.S. Army Research Institute
Alexandria, VA
Paul Grossman
Freiburg Institute for Mindfulness
Freiburg, Germany
J.W. Gualtieri
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Bianka B. Hahn
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Thomas R. Hales
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
George Havenith
Loughborough University
Department of Human Sciences
Loughborough, U.K.
Alan Hedge
Cornell University
Department of Design &
Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Hal W. Hendrick
Hendrick and Associates
Greenwood Village, CO
Sue Hignett
Loughborough University
Department of Human Sciences
Loughborough, U.K.
Vincent H. Hildebrandt
TNO Work & Employment
Hoofddorp, the Netherlands
Body@Work Research Center on
Physical Activity, Work and
Health TNO Vumc
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Hermann Hinrichs
University of Magdeburg
Clinic for Neurology
Magdeburg, Germany
Peter Hoonakker
University of Wisconsin
Center for Quality & Productivity
Madison, WI
Karen Jacobs
Boston University Programs
in Occupational Therapy
Boston, MA
Florian Jentsch
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
R.F. Soames Job
University of Sydney
School of Psychology
Sydney, Australia
Debra G. Jones
SA Technologies, Inc.
Marietta, GA
David B. Kaber
North Carolina State University
Department of Industrial
Raleigh, NC
Jussi Kantola
University of Louisville
Center for Industrial Ergonomics
Louisville, KY
Waldemar Karwowski
University of Louisville
Center for Industrial Ergonomics
Louisville, KY
Kristina Kemmlert
National Institute for Working Life
Solna, Sweden
Mark Kirby
University of Huddersfield
School of Computing and
Huddersfield, U.K.
Gary Klein
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Brian M. Kleiner
Virginia Polytechnical Institute
and State University
Grado Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering
Blacksburg, VA
David W. Klinger
Klein Associates Inc.
Fairborn, OH
Arthur F. Kramer
University of Illinois
Department of Psychology
Champaign, IL
Guangyan Li
Human Engineering Limited
Bristol, U.K.
Jean MacMillan
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Ann Majchrzak
University of Southern California
Marshall School of Business
Los Angeles, CA
Melissa M. Mallis
NASA Ames Research Center
Fatigue Countermeasures Group
Moffett Field, CA
W.S. Marras
Ohio State University
Institute for Ergonomics
Columbus, OH
Philip Marsden
University of Huddersfield
School of Computing and
Huddersfield, U.K.
Laura Martin-Milham
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Lorraine E. Maxwell
Cornell University
Design & Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Lynn McAtamney
COPE Occupational Health and
Ergonomics Services Ltd.
Nottingham, U.K.
Olga Menoni
Milan, Italy
J. Mokray
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
J. Steven Moore
Texas A&M University
School of Rural Public Health
Bryan, TX
Lambertus (Ben) J.M.
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
Brian Mullen
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Mitsuo Nagamachi
Hiroshima International University
Hiroshima, Japan
Leah Newman
Pennsylvania State University
The Harold & Inge Marcus
Department of Industrial &
Manufacturing Engineering
University Park, PA
Enrico Occhipinti
Milan, Italy
Michael J. Paley
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Daniela Panciera
Milan, Italy
Brian Peacock
National Space Biomedical
Research Institute
Houston, TX
S.S. Potter
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Heather A. Priest
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Renate Rau
University of Technology
Occupational Health Psychology
Dresden, Germany
Mark S. Rea
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lighting Research Center
Troy, NY
Maria Grazia Ricci
Milan, Italy
Hannu Rintamäki
Oulu Regional Institute of
Occupational Health
Oulu, Finland
Michelle M. Robertson
Liberty Mutual Research Institute
for Safety
Hopkinton, MA
Suzanne H. Rodgers
Consultant in Ergonomics
Rochester, NY
D. Roitman
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
E.M. Roth
Roth Cognitive Engineering
Brookline, MA
Eduardo Salas
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Steven L. Sauter
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
Steven M. Shope
US Positioning Group, LLC
Mesa, AZ
Monique Smeets
Utrecht University
Department of Social Sciences
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Tonya L. Smith-Jackson
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Grado Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering
Blacksburg, VA
Kimberly A. Smith-Jentsch
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Stover H. Snook
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA
Neville A. Stanton
Brunel University
School of Engineering
London, U.K.
Jean MacMillan
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Ann Majchrzak
University of Southern California
Marshall School of Business
Los Angeles, CA
Melissa M. Mallis
NASA Ames Research Center
Fatigue Countermeasures Group
Moffett Field, CA
W.S. Marras
Ohio State University
Institute for Ergonomics
Columbus, OH
Philip Marsden
University of Huddersfield
School of Computing and
Huddersfield, U.K.
Laura Martin-Milham
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Lorraine E. Maxwell
Cornell University
Design & Environmental Analysis
Ithaca, NY
Lynn McAtamney
COPE Occupational Health and
Ergonomics Services Ltd.
Nottingham, U.K.
Olga Menoni
Milan, Italy
J. Mokray
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
J. Steven Moore
Texas A&M University
School of Rural Public Health
Bryan, TX
Lambertus (Ben) J.M.
University of Groningen
Experimental & Work Psychology
Groningen, the Netherlands
Brian Mullen
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Mitsuo Nagamachi
Hiroshima International University
Hiroshima, Japan
Leah Newman
Pennsylvania State University
The Harold & Inge Marcus
Department of Industrial &
Manufacturing Engineering
University Park, PA
Enrico Occhipinti
Milan, Italy
Michael J. Paley
Aptima, Inc.
Wodburn, MA
Daniela Panciera
Milan, Italy
Brian Peacock
National Space Biomedical
Research Institute
Houston, TX
S.S. Potter
Aegis Research Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Heather A. Priest
University of Central Florida
Institute for Simulation & Training
Orlando, FL
Renate Rau
University of Technology
Occupational Health Psychology
Dresden, Germany
Mark S. Rea
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lighting Research Center
Troy, NY
Maria Grazia Ricci
Milan, Italy
Hannu Rintamäki
Oulu Regional Institute of
Occupational Health
Oulu, Finland
Michelle M. Robertson
Liberty Mutual Research Institute
for Safety
Hopkinton, MA
Suzanne H. Rodgers
Consultant in Ergonomics
Rochester, NY
D. Roitman
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
E.M. Roth
Roth Cognitive Engineering
Brookline, MA
Eduardo Salas
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Steven L. Sauter
Division of Applied Research
& Technology
Cincinnati, OH
Steven M. Shope
US Positioning Group, LLC
Mesa, AZ
Monique Smeets
Utrecht University
Department of Social Sciences
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Tonya L. Smith-Jackson
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Grado Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering
Blacksburg, VA
Kimberly A. Smith-Jentsch
University of Central Florida
Department of Psychology
Orlando, FL
Stover H. Snook
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA
Neville A. Stanton
Brunel University
School of Engineering
London, U.K.
Neville Stanton, Alan Hedge, Karel Brookhuis, Eduardo Salas, Hal Hendrick, “Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 14, 2025, https://ebook.untag-sby.ac.id/items/show/1061.