LOVING NATURE: Towards an ecology of emotion
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LOVING NATURE: Towards an ecology of emotion
Many people have helped in the research and writing of this book in various ways:
by welcoming me as a participant in their activities and by submitting to interviews,
by providing pre-publication material and other documentation on particular
issues, by allowing their published material to be used, by providing helpful
comments on the initial book proposal, on earlier drafts of chapters, parts of
chapters and, in one case, the whole manuscript, and by giving encouragement
and inspiration through discussion of ideas. They are, in no particular order, John
Stewart, Harvey Whitehouse, Marusˇka Svasˇek, Tim Ingold, Paul Richards, Roy
Ellen, Ben Campbell, James Carrier, John Knight, Eeva Berglund, Terre Satterfield,
Galina Lindquist, Alf Hornborg, my fellow participants in workshops and seminars
at the Universities of Kent, Manchester, Aberdeen, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and
Queen’s University Belfast; participants in international conferences at the
Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and
Queen’s University Belfast; Kenneth C. Steven and the National Poetry
Foundation, Alastair McIntosh, Alison Johnson, Andrew Johnson; Bob Brown,
Barbara Young, Graham Wynne, Gwyn Williams and Mike Clark, and their
colleagues at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB); staff and
volunteers at the Ulster Wildlife Trust; staff at the Environment and Heritage
Service in Northern Ireland and members of Northern Ireland’s Council for Nature
Conservation and the Countryside.
by welcoming me as a participant in their activities and by submitting to interviews,
by providing pre-publication material and other documentation on particular
issues, by allowing their published material to be used, by providing helpful
comments on the initial book proposal, on earlier drafts of chapters, parts of
chapters and, in one case, the whole manuscript, and by giving encouragement
and inspiration through discussion of ideas. They are, in no particular order, John
Stewart, Harvey Whitehouse, Marusˇka Svasˇek, Tim Ingold, Paul Richards, Roy
Ellen, Ben Campbell, James Carrier, John Knight, Eeva Berglund, Terre Satterfield,
Galina Lindquist, Alf Hornborg, my fellow participants in workshops and seminars
at the Universities of Kent, Manchester, Aberdeen, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and
Queen’s University Belfast; participants in international conferences at the
Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and
Queen’s University Belfast; Kenneth C. Steven and the National Poetry
Foundation, Alastair McIntosh, Alison Johnson, Andrew Johnson; Bob Brown,
Barbara Young, Graham Wynne, Gwyn Williams and Mike Clark, and their
colleagues at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB); staff and
volunteers at the Ulster Wildlife Trust; staff at the Environment and Heritage
Service in Northern Ireland and members of Northern Ireland’s Council for Nature
Conservation and the Countryside.
Kay Milton
Kay Milton, “LOVING NATURE: Towards an ecology of emotion,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 14, 2025, https://ebook.untag-sby.ac.id/items/show/1044.