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The Shelly Cashman Series offers the fi nest textbooks in computer education. We are proud of the fact that our previous HTML books have been so well received. With each new edition of our HTML books, we have made signifi cant improvements based on…

The Shelly Cashman Series offers the finest textbooks in computer education. We are proud that our previous HTML books have been so well received. With each new edition of ® our HTML books, we have made significant improvements based on the comments…

Springer - Human Error, Safety and Systems Development (2010.pdf
In this text aspects of human decision making in complex traffic environments are described and requirements for cognitive models that shall be
used as virtual test pilots or test drivers for new assistance concepts are derived.

Human Error - Causes and Control.pdf
Human error is an undesirable aspect of everyday life. It is often excused
on the basis that mistakes are just part of the everyday learning process.
Simply put, people make mistakes, to err is human, and people are not
perfect, except possibly…

Hybrid Renaissance.pdf
his book is a revised and expanded version of the
Natalie Davis lectures for 2013, delivered at the…

Readers should be warned at the start that it is im
possible to give a clear definition of either of the two
key concepts used in this book, “hybridization” and

Hypnosis for Selling, sebagaimana saat ini sangat marak dijumpai sebagai topik di berbagai pelatihan di bidang penjualan, sebenarnya merupakan penerapan teori-teori hipnosis (hipnotis) modern dalam bidang penjualan (selling).

Oxford - Andrew Scull - Hysteria, The Biography (2009).pdf
London, Friday, April 30,1602. The last year of Elizabeth I’s
reign. A 14-year-old girl, Mary Glover, the daughter of a
well-to-do shopkeeper, left her house on Thames Street
to run an errand for her mother.

54. i Still Can't Speak English.pdf
If you have studied English for some time;if you have taken lots of different classes, studied using lots of different course books, listened to lots of audio and still do not feel confident when you speak English (but desperately want to); this…

Social science research suggests that using a red pen for essay marking evokes a
negative student response. Beyond the choice of marking color, ELL students are
often overwhelmed by the assorted scribbles, circles and slashes that teachers apply…
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