The revolution is being televised. Countless stories on the Discovery Channel and PBS have revealed exciting new insights about the brain. Mainstream broadcast media such as ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN and publications such as Time and Newsweek have…
I’d like to thank all the people who worked so hard on this project, especially the editors
Thomas Cirtin, my good friend Gael McGill, and Liz Britten. I’d also like to thank Mariann
Barsolo and Pete Gaughan. I thank all the folks at Autodesk…
The ancient practice of decorating sacred buildings differs greatly from that in previous cultures and contemporary or later ones, where sanctuaries are recognisable from exterior and interior alike as such. The architecture, form, building elements…
In the 1990s, project management moved from a little-used industrial engineering
discipline to the engine of managing America’s work. Prior to 1990, project
management techniques were unknown to most corporate managers who considered
projects to…
Why do you need a big, thick technical book? Well, it’s true that the best way
to learn is to just do it. But do you ever just doit and not fully getit? Books can
serve either as the basis for learning or as supplements for your learning. No…
Why do you need a big, thick technical book? Well, it’s true that the best way
to learn is to just do it. But do you ever just doit and not fully getit? Books can
serve either as the basis for learning or as supplements for your learning. No…
Before I even pondered writing a technical book such as this one, I was the
guy who bought them and studied them from the front to the back. This specific
page, however, I always thought was somewhat superfluous…bordering on self-
indulgent. As…
This chapter focuses on giving you the ability to dimension and annotate
a model. After the novelty of having a really cool model in 3D wears off, you
need to buckle down and produce some bid documents. This is where the
Purpose. Language acquisition is associated with or influenced by a number offactors which can be called sociolinguistic, social/sociological or demographic.Among other things, children cannot avoid being influenced linguistically by theirpeers and…
If the challenge of the past has been to ‘get organised’, the challenge of the future is to find ways in which we can remain open to continuous self-organisation: so that we can adapt and evolve as we go along.