We would like to thank the following people for reading the manuscript and off ering
suggestions: Pia Alexander, Sandra Bolton, Mark and Sarah Campbell, Marjorie Cleveringa,
Kate Gillon, Laura Gray-Rosendale, Sibylle Gruber, Karen Greenstreet,…
Business models have become the primary tools for the financial analysis of nearly all
major business decisions. However, the structure and design of most models have evolved
without reference to an effective business-modelling methodology. In…
The intention of this publication is to embark on a journey taking the reader through a brief history of buildings, how the construction of buildings has evolved over the years and then examining in more detail the structure of buildings and their…
Welcome to Learn AutoCAD!: Mechanical Drawing Using AutoCAD 2016. This book is designed to give you an introduction to Mechanical Drawing using the AutoCAD 2016 software. These projects were originally
developed based on the projects used for my…
Greenways and Landscape Integrity: An Overview Greenways are being designated in cities and countrysides throughout North America and elsewhere. Sometimes these conservation areas are a response to environmental problems, such as flooding or…
In an ef fort to make stu dents aware of the world in which they live, an em pha sis has re cently been placed on global ed u ca tion. Ed u ca tors have seen the need for a deeper un der stand ing of the in ter de pen dence of peo ples and na tions…
All politicians seem able to demonstrate that their party presided over
the fastest economic growth, the biggest fall in unemployment or
the lowest inflation. Common sense suggests that they cannot all be correct.
How can you interpret such…
Our original interests in the integration of diversity into the psychology curricu- lum developed along converging paths. As new teachers of psychology, we both discovered that our widely-used textbooks contained little or no scholarship on women or…