In our technologically sophisticated and media driven world, individuals are bombarded by default and by choice with more information in one day than our ancestors were exposed to in a lifetime. h ere is more information on the head of a pin…
The buildings and writings of Adolf Loos (1870–1933) are now often enough
taken, or mistaken, in the cultural sphere, as exemplary of an early modern
iconoclasm which, if not downright nihilistic, was out to deny art as such,
as if with some…
MARILYN DELONG, PhD, is Professor of Apparel Studies in the College of Design at the
University of Minnesota. Her scholarly research is focused upon perception and aesthetics,
design education,
and material culture. Current
topics of…
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari worked together on several books, and worked
separately on many more. Their best known work stretched across two volumes
with the title Capitalism and Schizophrenia – volume 1, Anti-Oedipus (1972);
volume 2, A…
The authors first of all gratefully acknowledge the generosity of patients who have given permission for vignettes from their analyses to be published here. We have taken care that they will be recognisable by no one but themselves. We also thank the…
A few years ago, I was on a plane that had to turn
around shortly after takeoff because one of its two
engines had failed. When we were told to get into
crash position, the first thing I thought was, “I don’t
want to die yet! I was looking…